Onscreen Paged Scrolling accelerators

I personally would very much favour the indexes you describe, however and probably for another topic I would like to see an alphabetical selector in Grouped People View, People View + Select Person (pop up window) on the grounds it would dramatically reduce the amount of scrolling.


Can you be more specific?
Do you want to do this in the html page?

I believe he’s asking for large list navigation accelerators in the general GUI of Gramps. Both in views and object selectors. (Like we do in the wiki’s Gramps Glossary although that’s a webpage example, not an application GUI example.)

So this idea belongs in a separate posting.

But Gramps already offers a keyboard-driven scroll for the active column for most tables, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t adding an Index bar (to the title bar, menu bar, toolbar, search bar and status bar) steal another slice of vertical screen space for too little benefit?

Brian is correct in what I am describing, yes you can use the function Brian describes but to me it is not as in your face as a row of letters to select the group.

I of course have the advantage of not trying to use this on a mobile phone so the small loss of vertical screen space is neither here nor there and if it is configurable on/off then advanced users can carry on regardless and new users have an immediately obvious navigational tool.

Alternatively put the keyboard scroll as a permanent feature as per the search in GraphView.


On firefox, you can always type “/” in the page, which gives you a search bar at the bottom of this page. You can also use <CTRL>F
On a mobile with firefox you have a search menu.
On other browser you have the same functionalities.

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Think we are mixing and matching between two separate topics.
The indexing in the Narrative Web and GRAMPS itself.

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Yes. This thread was discussing Gramps application GUI. So it was untangled from Serge’s original thread about the menuing generated by the Narrative Web report.

For the graphical interface, I do not need this feature. I use the filter in the sidebar which is more powerful than a search in a list.

In my defence of an alphabetical index

I use Logitech Media Server (now Lyrion) for my music system as an exemplar

I attach images of the 5 clicks or taps on my 8” Kindle Fire to takes me down to the level for playing an individual track.

So if for Artist we said Surname Group and for Album said Place the principles are the same.

On GRAMPS clicking/tapping on A would be bring up a Grouped list of A surnames ( I am assuming from a look up table updated on exiting from GRAMPS to allow instant access when restart), you would click the surname and the appropriate individual in the list. No keyboard use required and minimum mouse scrolling/finger swiping.

CTRL+F by convention on most of the programs I use (CTRL+K on Thunderbird excepted) comes up on the bottom left hand corner of the window, however GRAMPS puts it bottom right on a large screen this is not where I instinctively look. Also with it untypically fading out if you do not start typing sometimes it is gone before you notice it. If like me you use the BottomSideBar why cannot it be permanently the first item on the menu or if not it could come up on the left side by shuffling any other Gramplets to the right.

If you are not using the BottomBar why cannot it simply come on the bottom left side.

My view is that the world is going tap and swipe (much as I hate it) to me GRAMPS GUI has to be based largely with that in mind going forward.

I will leave that as my last comment on this topic
Apologies start at bottom of list work up