My first gramplet - "Historical Context" for gramps 5.2

A new PR improving the ProbabyAlive utility was just committed to the master branch.

You @kmikkels and @ztlxltl might want to review the changes in the PR 1790 and MantisBT 13443 issue to determine if anything changes for your addons.

I have to find the right place to amend 13443 to indicate that it adds Probate Events to the Death fallbacks.


Thanks @emyoulation
As far as I can tell this change only improved the gramplet, because it improves the probably alive function.


Thanks for pointing this out. Currently I only use it for determining the color of the boxes/avatar and the ribbon. I havenā€™t implemented the suggested use for the timeline.
I hope the new function is not significantly slower, as calling probably_alive() is definitely expensive when building the visualization with a few hundred people.

Iā€™m not familiar with the process of how addons should adapt to updates, so maybe my question is a bit naive:
Is there some docs on the API changes for each (non-maintenance) update or what is the best practice when preparing the addon for the next update?

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This something that has lively discussion lately. The developer who used to wrangle addon updates stepped back due to the birth of a new grandchild.

We had a call for volunteers and had 2 but no one to bring them up to speed. Then, when nothing was moving, another developer volunteered and was a self-starter.

Things are moving again but the workflow is not locked down. The recent HistContext gramplet by @kmikkels is the first attempt through the re-lined pipeline. He has willingly served as guinea pig and documenter of adding language support and publishing through the ā€˜officialā€™ project.

The Isotammi Group, GlopGlop and JMichault run their own Other Projects but donā€™t give much feedback when there are problems. They try their own workarouds and move on when something works

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