Magnification of Pedigree View

Pedigree view font size\people info seems non-adjustable. Font appears to be 10 point or less. Resetting the screen resolution does not work. Also tried the magnifier but that’s seems to be a temporary fix AND magnification goes from 100% to 200% with no intermediate option.

Gramps version 5.2.4, Windows 11 OS


There is the Themes addon that allows users to change fonts and sizes. A new tab will be added to the Preference settings. Any changes will appear in most areas of Gramps. In the Pedigree view, the most noticeable change will be the marriage information between spouse boxes. It will be some experimenting to achieve a good balance.

Themes will also allow you to change the overall Theme of Gramps. The default is Adwaita. You can experiment by downloading themes for your use.

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Thanks for the reply. That addon changes the font size for the main form which includes Categories (left side options) and the menu bar (top horizontal op[tions). Font size changed in some Category subforms (People, Families, Relations, Places) except Charts. All Charts except Timeline Pedigree remained the same size.

I did see the Pedigree subform changed to a larger font\display size once during my resizing tries, however,Gramps reverted back to the default setting once it was closed and reopened.

And let me add that it took several resizing tries to get the Pedigree chart to resize. Since then and since the restart, it hasn’t resized again. It just displays in the default settings.

Features watch for changes of particular genres as a prompt to regenerate.

For instance, Charts tend to watch for signals of Person changes (Active Person, Home Person or adding/deleting/updating a Person or Family) or Event changes. When Gramps emits a signal about such a change, then features monitoring those signals will update.

But Themes are an addon. So its signals are unexpected and not monitored. (The addon has to push broader signals … and force updates.)

You probably only saw the font changes appear in the Pedigree View after changing the Active Person.

As mentioned, the only changes I see in the Pedigree view is a change in the Marriage information.

Chart/graph views have much of the information size hard-coded so everything fits within the boxes and any drawn lines connect with right boxes. I would not recommend hacking the code.

An alternative to the Pedigree view are the addons Graph View and the very new (and still evolving) Family Tree View discussed here.

New FamilyTreeView Addon - Development - The Gramps Project (Discourse Forum & Mailing List)

Each is highly customizable and have the added benefit that you can scroll and zoom in and out within the view.


Are you saying the font and size you selected on the Themes’ Preferences tab di not save between Gramps session? Closing and relaunch?

Usually, preferences may not be saved if there is a forced/non-standard Gramps closure.

I generally prefer the Pedigree Gramplet to the Chart view mode.

It shows more generations (an option in Edit → Configure…), clicking a “generation” shows all the Ancestors at that distance, and the chart can be copied and pasted for sharing (although at non-proportional font family is needed to keep the structure intact).

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You are correct! The font size changed as the active person changed.

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Follow-up. First attempt at font size changing did not keep after restarting Gramps, for whatever reason. Likely it was due to the reason mentioned in a reply above.

Second try. Changed the font size. Changed the Active Person focus. Font change is visible in the Pedigree chart. Closed Gramps and Restarted. Previous change is still there!!! Yay!

Problem solved!


I keep the gramplets Ancestors

and Descendants

in the sidebar of the Relationships view which is my main view for adding and editing records.

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Curious thing though. All forms changes to the same font size EXCEPT the Pedigree chart(s). See images.

And yes, the font size remains smaller in the Pedigree chart even after changing the active person focus. So, this is an enhancement request.