Is there any shasum or other checksum to verify download?

Hi, I am new to genealogy and would like to give Gramps a try. I know the learning curve is steep but still. I downloaded version 5.2 for Mac but I can’t find where we can get some sort of hashing (e.g., shasum) to validate the download.

Is there a place to get them?

Gramp 5.2 and Mac OS 13.6

I can’t find where we can get some sort of hashing (e.g., shasum) to validate the download.

Don’t believe the project provide any shasum for File verification?

@Nick-Hall Searching google shows this discussion on Github to potentialy use Github Actions to create sha256 for the files?

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The GitHub action that I found for generating release hashes only works with a release event, such as when the release is published. Our release assets are uploaded later.

It should be possible to write an action to generate hashes at a later time, but I’m not sure how.

For now, I have just generated a sha256 manually for each file that I uploaded and put them in a checksums.txt file.

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Thank you for the update and now providing a shasum.

However, the checksum.txt file available Github only provide the shasums for the linux and the Windows builds. There are no shasum for the MacOS build.

Would it be possible to add a shasum for the MacOS build?

Thanks again.

John alerted the Developer maillist yesterday (Monday, 25 Mar 2024) that the MacOS build will be delayed. So no shasum until then either.

I’m traveling through Wednesday so I won’t be able to make the macOS bundles until Thursday.

John posted the macOS .dmg files this afternoon:


@Nick-Hall - could you refresh the SHA256SUMS file with info for the macOS downloads?

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