just signed up on PC. The first thing I thought then was how do I sign in on the laptop or phone? The process did not aske me to create an account. ive come to the forum which has asked me to create an account? Is that it? is this actually the registration process or will I find when i come back to the site im not signed in. Day one and im utterly bamboozled.
You are here so you signed up and into the Gramps Discourse forum. You do not need this account to work on your genealogy in Gramps. But if you have a question, this is a good place to ask it.
How can we help you?
Cmon there must be an idiots guide. Ive added myself but where do you put date of birth and place?
The only reason there is an account here is to limit the robot spammers.
The genealogy data in Gramps is stored locally on your PC… single user & the only security is whatever you use to protect your PC.
Watch one of the Gramps tutorial videos to flatten the learning curve.
Hi well as I mentioned, I dont see a registration process. How do you create an account so you can sign in and out?
Will do but shouldnt that be immediately pointed out? yeh, I think i need to watch those.
There is NO REGISTRATION. You don’t sign in or out.
You start by creating a new tree. It’s a blank slate. Then you ADD a person in the People view (or a Family in the Family view, or Source in the Citations view) and build outwards.
When adding (or later, Editing) the Person, the Edit Person dialog has basic name fields at the top of the dialog. The bottom has tabs for adding secondary data like Events (Birth Death, Burial, Military Service, Census, etc.), Sources, Notes, Media, etc.
Or you can import a GEDCOM from another source. You can even start with importing vCards from your smart phone or eMail addressbook.
All the videos are 3rd party creations by end-users.
We don’t have a built-in suggestion on those because these are so quickly out of date. And enhancement changes to the built-ins are only on major releases. Since major changes mean interface changes, the tutorial videos come out AFTER those releases.
Just watched that intro video. I still dont see how you add your own birth date or anyone else’s. Maybe you need a bit more technical ability than I possess.
I like the 3rd of the tutorial videos better. Everyone creating videos seems to torture everyone by starting with the download & install process in excruciating detail.
The videos are great but most people don’t even look for them until they have installed and have become frustrated. So the installation portion can test their already strained patience.
But you can also skip to 17:00 of tutorial two in order to learn how to import the example.gramps into a blank tree. That data is what is used in all the wiki examples. (You can create as many separate trees as you want.)
Gramps is NOT a web based program. You download the program, install it on your PC, create a database on your PC, and then enter information into the database on your PC. All information stays on your PC. Gramps is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
Users of Gramps interact with each other here to discuss ideas and to assist each other with the use of Gramps and how to get the most of the program.
There is no phone version of Gramps.
Gramps is installed locally. To also run it on the laptop, install another copy of the program there. But since there is no linkage between databases on the PC & the laptop, you have to manually synchronize the 2 systems. If you are not an exceedingly structured person, this is an error-prone situation.
The easiest situation is to stick with a primary system (laptop or desktop PC) for all your data-entry. Then regularly copy the most recent backup to the secondary system… using it just for lookup, filtered export, or report generation.
If you want something that exist on phone and syncs automatically, like is a web browser, you would have to find something else than Gramps.
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