Il database e' bloccato

non vedo più il mio albero - “IL DATABASE E’ BLOCCATO” - usa l’opzione force unlock…

non capisco che cosa devo fare

fare riferimento a: Sbloccare un Albero genealogico ( aka ‘see: Unlocking a Family Tree’)

The lock prevents more than one user from touching a Gramps database file at the same time. Normally, the lock is removed when you ‘Close’ a Tree or shut down Gramps.

For this lock to cause this error message, either:

  1. another instance of Gramps is running, or
  2. Gramps terminated abnormally.

First, make certain that only only copy of Gramps is running on your multi-tasking computer & there isn’t another user on your local computer network using Gramps.

In the Family Tree => Manage Family Trees dialog, double-click the locked Tree. Then choose to break the lock.

If this fails to break the lock, it is possible to break the lock manually. It is a risky procedure. Post again if you need to resort to manual lock breaking.

i saw this way but, when i go to “manage family tre” i dont see any Tree! i think that i cancelled my tree…


Did you have the Preferences set (in the Family Tree tab) to make backups automatically? Or to Backup on exit? If so, you can create a new Tree & import the Backup. (The filepath is in that Preferences tab.)

Something bothers me: If the database is locked, you should see it in “manage family trees”
In the prefrences → Family Tree, you have “Family Tree Database path” Did you change that ?

qualcosa mi dà fastidio: se il database è bloccato, dovresti vederlo in “gestisci alberi genealogici”
Nelle preferenze → Albero genealogico, hai “Percorso database albero genealogico” L’hai cambiato?

I suspect that @ostade1954 meant that they experimented while waiting for a reply. And that one of their attempts to resolve the lock message include using the Delete/Elimina

Since Gramps deletes the DB folder (after confirming) as opposed to moving it to a recycling bin, the action would be irreversible.

(Note: amended a recent feature request to include recycling Trees. Originally, the request only asked about changing Plugin Manager deletion of Add-ons to recyclable.)

ho risolto con un po’ di calmagrazie, thanks

now it’s all ok thanks

now it’s all ok thanks grazie

Please tell us how the problem was fixed.

It could help the next person.

For me it’s easy to “share” the event…


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