I am getting Square boxes in the entry boxes

Hmmm… Why is @GaryGriffin 's macOS Theme font family = “None”?

can you help me please?
The instruction to install the theme is to place it in a hidden folder inside the user directory:
Doing the same is not showing the Theme in the preferences.

I have downloaded the theme file. Where shall I put?

Yes, my tests are quite thorough. The names are OK in the person category view, the person editor, the name editor, and the quick view Gramplet.

I have the means to run MacOS on a VM too, but that’s quite illegal, and slow.

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On the Mac, in a terminal window,

$ cd ~/Library/Application Support/gramps/gramps51/plugins

The files should go in to a sub-folder Themes.

$ pwd
/Users/gary/Library/Application Support/gramps/gramps51/plugins/Themes

$ ls
pycache locale themes.gpr.py themes.py themes_load.py

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Having “None” just means to not overwrite the specific font. It is a dropdown and I can choose from all of the Mac Fonts if desired.

When I press ‘Restore to Defaults’ it gets set to None.

If I select one of the other Fonts (like Ariel Regular or Chalkduster Regular), it overwrites the font and still worked fine.

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Thank you guys.
Installing the theme and making an explicit selection of an Ethiopic font there make it possible to write in the entry box.

The squire boxes, however, are still there.
But, that doesn’t bother them much. I can live with it so far as I can insert texts.

Thank you so much!

H’m, interesting. It looks like the Preferred Name either uses another font, or the chosen font doesn’t support bold. It looks OK in Windows.

That is interesting observation.
Well, I have a font that supports Bold.

But, the theme doesn’t let me select it. Only regular and condensed fonts can be selected there. Bold fonts are filtered out.


That’s odd indeed. Note that the idea of bold was a wild guess, that I made without looking at the Gramps source code. Is Noto Serif the only font that you have for Ethiopian?

There is another one. The bold cannot be selected there as well. I cannot select bold from all other fonts.

OK, I’m afraid that we need a Mac specialist here. I installed the Themes add-on here too, and noticed that the standard font is Ubuntu Regular, which can display Ethiopian and bold. And when I look at the person editor, I see that the Preferred Name heading is bold, and the name itself is bold and enlarged, like here:

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That is amazing. I don’t know why my mac failed to display it.

Well, to tell you the truth, I would be amazed if it went wrong, because Linux is the natural habitat for Gramps. The toolkit that we use for the user interface, GTK, was made on Linux, and ported to MacOS and Windows, where it’s used by far less programs than on Linux itself. And less users obviously also means less testers.

I just ran another check on Windows, and there things are OK too, so the problem seems to be specific to MacOS, or the GTK version that we use on that.

I noticed that @GaryGriffin has better results than you have, and his MacOS version is newer than yours. His Gramps is a bit older.

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I upgraded to gramps 5.1.5 and got the same (good) results on my Mac. I do not have Ethiopic fonts on my system, so cannot check that. I did try using both a Russian keyboard and an Arabic keyboard and both worked fine.

Wondering - if you edit the Given or Surname, is the Preferred Name field update still using boxes or is it correct? When I add a Surname, it gets added (per character edit) to the displayed Preferred Name. Do you see this adding boxes or correct chars?

Is there something else that I can check for this issue?

It is still boxes.
Thank you guys.

Yes, I am still using High Sierra. I cannot upgrade because I have an old mac which is not supported anymore. I probably need to install Linux over it : :smile:

I can also install the Windows version of Gramps using an emulator (Crossover). But, I need to think about the naming system fist. If I find a means to apply the system, I will install it over Crossover.

I have an older version of Reunion application which still works great. The reason I want to migrate to Gramps is because it is open source; could be options to modify to include the East African naming conversion.

Thank you guys.

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