Home Person selection

Perhaps this is been discussed or recommended elsewhere…sorry if so.

I’m ‘teaching’ several family members on how to use Gramps Web and all of them missed the ‘edit pencil icon’ to change the home person…being way off to the right, and they said it felt a bit awkward. This icon takes you to your own prefs essentially, but of course the home person doesn’t need to be “you”. and you can always get to your prefs via the prefs icon, which is the expected way.

If palatable, I’d recommend the following UI change. put the “select” button next to the home person and when pressed, only present widgets to select a person and not go to the prefs. All my family members (which I consider a focus group :)) did think the ‘pencil icon’ was hard to see and not sure why it was there.

I snuck in the ‘self’ button…since I was asking for buttons anyhow.

On a positive note, they all love Gramps Web and are excited to begin using it.


Yes, makes sense to make it a bit more prominent. Can you submit a feature request to Issues · gramps-project/gramps-web · GitHub please?

What should the “self” button do?

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will do on using Github issues. I submitted one already but wasn’t sure your preference. I’ll submit all other suggestions there from now on.

Regarding the SELF button, I did not think through that one at all from a technical perspective. I redact my suggestion for that button. Please ignore it.