Hello all, I thought it’d be best to tag on here.
So I was using Gramps locally until the other night when I followed the tutorial from Vivian found here (Medium article - portainer deployment). It worked like a charm, I could immediately connect to gramps web via http://192.168.1.X:5054/.
I would like this application to be accessible from the web.
I have since set up the synology DDNS which includes simply ticking a box for a let’s encrypt certificate. I set up my router to forward to port 5054.
It seems as though, manually typing the http:// url into the browser on mobile phones works, the connection goes through.
However, whatsapp converts links to https meaning that when the link is clicked from a whatsapp message, the link won’t work.
So I found the article Setting up HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt and Docker Compose
I copied the nginx_proxy.conf to /volume1/docker/grampsweb/
and then used the original script from vivian, and combined it with the script from Gramps Web with nginx proxy manager (NMP) docker container - #3 by mreugene to produce the following, which created the stack:
version: “3.7”
grampsweb: &grampsweb
image: Package grampsweb · GitHub
restart: always
- “5054:5000” # host:docker
GRAMPSWEB_TREE: “Gramps Web” # will create a new tree if not exists
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__broker_url: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__result_backend: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI: redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/1
- grampsweb_redis
- gramps_users:/app/users # persist user database
- gramps_index:/app/indexdir # persist search index
- gramps_thumb_cache:/app/thumbnail_cache # persist thumbnails
- gramps_secret:/app/secret # persist flask secret
- /volume1/docker/grampsweb/grampsdb:/root/.gramps/grampsdb # persist Gramps database
- /volume1/docker/grampsweb/gramps_media:/app/media # persist media filesgrampsweb_celery:
image: Package grampsweb · GitHub
restart: always
container_name: grampsweb_celery
GRAMPSWEB_TREE: “Gramps Web” # will create a new tree if not exists
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__broker_url: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_CELERY_CONFIG__result_backend: “redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/0”
GRAMPSWEB_RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI: redis://grampsweb_redis:6379/1
- grampsweb_redis
command: celery -A gramps_webapi.celery worker --loglevel=INFOgrampsweb_redis:
image: redis:alpine
container_name: grampsweb_redis
restart: alwaysvolumes:
The stack deployed successfully.
However, didn’t resolve anything
http://url:5054 works
https://url:5054 doesn’t.
Does anyone here have experience with how to resolve this? What am I misunderstanding/doing wrong?