Gramp AIO rc1 swelled to 100MB from 70mb in 5.1.6

Can this Windows installer bloat be reduced?

What do you want me to remove?

It is a bit difficult to compare 1:1 with the reorganization.

But the new $LOCALAPPDATA only has a Finnish hyphenation library.
And the lib is 10x larger (etc did too but is still less than 1MB) and the share doubled in size. gramps dropped by 30%

I expect that the increase in size is mainly due to the extra dictionaries we added.

We package dictionaries for the following languages: bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-GB, en-US, eo, es, fr, he, hr, hu, is, it, lt, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, pt-PT, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, tr, uk, vi.

It looks like the PIP and Finnish items were added after the beta cycles last August. PIP is big but being able to manage prerequisites installation is pretty important.
(And the note about the AIO not including a Python dev environment probably explains why I cannot use your make tool to build the tgz and Addon json file on the Windows box.)

Do you know why the Finnish library is its own directory instead of being with the other language tools?

The Finnish dictionary uses the voikko spell checker rather than hunspell.

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Sure, its probably bad if it includes something that isnt used at all.

But, My opinion:
In todays age, 100MB vs 70MB doesnt really matter. Its such a small size difference, 100MB, is what, 20 photos? (Less in my personal case, but still). Even a 15 year old PC most likely wouldnt have problem if it was 200MB either. Gramps isnt a program you have 10 copies of either.

My concern is that 70 MB is already full of excess material. And that clutter makes finding the real parts of Gramps harder.

As an obvious example, I thought tweaking the icons used by Gramps themes would be a simple matter of searching for ā€˜pictureā€™ type objects. But thereā€™s so much clutter from multiple resolutions and multiple Themes (where Gramps only uses a few of that iconset) that it is too hard to see what pertains.

So Iā€™d like to see the bundled Themes trimmed down to just to Adwaitaā€¦ with just the leveraged icons. Is that possible? I donā€™t know. But unless there is a way to make experimenting with installing Themes easier (for use with the Themes addon and Reports ā€¦ like the Narrated Web Site), we will continue to have a very outdated appearance in the GUI and output.

Some Enhancement Requests about the appearance :

Our automated installer is big for a reason, and itā€™s no bigger than the one for macOS. And although I am convinced that it can be tuned a bit, I donā€™t really think itā€™s worth the effort. You can of course try to find a volunteer, but that wonā€™t be me.

I know two commercial programs that are written for Windows, and have a Mac version: Ancestral Quest and RootsMagic. There may be more, but these are the ones that I use on Windows for things that Gramps canā€™t do.

For Ancestral Quest, the Windows installer is 19 MB, the one for mac OS X 99 MB, and for the newer versions, it is 451 MB. For RootsMagic, the Windows installers are 32 or 37 MB, depending on the amount of bits, and the one for mac is 116 MB.