Funny codes in notes on published gedcom

Then your Gedcom from Gramps should be fine, and most likely it’s the website that do not import the gedcom correct…

Take a look and see what gedcom version the site support, and export to that version from Gramps… not all sites support 5.5.1.

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ok, thank you very much, I will check their FAQ’s and see what I can find

TribalPages is likely to appreciate such a small sample GEDCOM that exhibits a parsing error.

Please file a problem report with them and keep us informed of the results.

I will do that, thanks

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(win 10 gramps AIO64-5.1.4-1)

the original topic
Funny codes in notes on published gedcom is closed so I could not put this there

I finally figured out (with no help from tribal pages - worst customer service in history) that their site can not always read the “notes” section from GRAMPS if in citation form or personal note form. I have found that it can always read the note if it listed as “source text” although once in a while it gets spacing wrong with it.

perhaps this might help someone else that uses that site or maybe as an issue with some other site I am not aware of