Firstly why for every “with” filter is there not a “without”
So say I want to Find people without a certain Tag if there was a choice tick box checked default “with”, unchecked “without” it might be simpler to understand than creating a Filter which matches that Tag and then have to create a second layer filter to have. “Return values that do match the filter (above) rules ticked.”
Secondly when you have created a multi line Custom Filter and you discover you have them in the wrong order why is there no way to promote/demote anyone line.
And yes I know I can do that by editing custom_filters.xml but seems a bit excessive.
Just some thoughts
There is a top level checkbox for each Custom Filter to “Return values that do not match the filter rules” But it doesn’t have the granularity for excluding 1 rule but not the others within a Custom Filter. You’d have to have to do a multi-stage with all the inclusions in one Custom Filter and the exclusions in a separate one.
The rule order is “last edited” not “created”. And there no override controls. So an ugly re-ordering workaround is to re-edit all the Rules in inverse order of how you want them stacked.
The following 2010 feature request talks about re-ordering Filters but it seems to mean Rules. 0004474: Add a method of re-ordering custom filters
I have a lot of filters and it doesn’t seem like the order changes anything. It’s purely boolean relationships in no particular order. Other than a matter of personal preference there is no reason to order the rules one way rather than another.
In general I would have to agree, however whilst doing something the
other day I found an example (probably peculiar to me) where it made a
significant difference to the data displayed.