Filter for patrilineal descendants

Gramps 5.1.6 on Fedora 39

I would like to get a list of patrilineal descendants. The idea is to click on a male person to make them Active, then run the filter and have it report all patrilineal descendants.

I gave a try by making a custom filter. The first rule was “Descendants of ” and the second rule was “Males”. That worked, except that it included men who were not patrilineal descendants. Also, the filter requires changing the person ID each time it is run. It will not work from the Active Person.

Looking over the additional rules, I see there is one for Y-chromosome descendants. It also requires naming a person when adding to a filter. Would it otherwise work?

There is a rule for Active Person. If I make that the first rule, will that then flow down to subsequent rules?

Is there a way to do this?

Related - When creating a custom filter, is there a way to change the sequence of rules? The only way I could find is to delete all of the rules and start over.

Thanks - Bill Gee

There are two Y-chromosome filters, based upon the progenitor’s ID and another based upon a filter.

These (and other) filters are addon rules.

Another addon rule is Active Person. Create a custom filter where the only rule is Active Person. Now any other rule that accesses another filter you can make work off of the active person. NOTE: this active person filter only works from within the people lists. It cannot be a part of any custom filter accessed to run a report or tool.

It requires a couple Custom Filters and 2 addon Rules:

  1. Create a Custom Filter named “My Active Person” with the Active Person Rule
  2. Create a 2nd Custom Filter with 2 rules where “At least one rule must apply”:
    a) Y-chromosomal inheritance of <person filter> : My Active Person
    b) Active Person

There is not a re-ordering option for Rules in the Define Filter editor dialog. Rather than fuss with delete and re-add, I prefer to manually edit the gramps/custom_filter.xml in the Gramps User Directory.

For Rules that are problematic or slow, run the Filter once and then Tag the result. A custom filter for Tagged objects is fast and easy to tweak.

Thanks Dave and Brian. That did the trick.

Is there a feature request for reordering rules in Define Filter editor?
Maybe a new feature in version 5.2? If not, I will put in such a request.

2022-10-23 Feature Request 0012720: re-ordering of rows controls needed for Define Filter

I think that the last rule edited (even if not edited) gets put to the bottom.

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