"Families" vs. "Households"

Has anyone attempted, in Gramps, to track the composition of households over time? By household, I mean not just a “family” (parents and their children) but also other people who might be living with them (especially other relatives, but also even servants, boarders, etc.)

Of course, a Census Event can be shared by multiple people, but that is just a point in time. Residence Events can have date spans, and can also be shared by multiple people; but a problem there is that the dates would need to be different for each person according to when they moved in or out of the household.

Another difficulty is that a household could be thought of as having continuity across the different residences it occupies, whereas an Event is be tied to a single place.

Just looking for experiences and ideas, as I think more about what I would like to achieve.

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You add an Association so a genetically disconnected Person does not float separated from the rest of your Tree.

But that doesn’t really address the objective. I have relatives who took in distant relatives, boarders or had farms with live-in employees or servants. (Usually a housekeeper or caretaker for elderly.)

It is REALLY frustrating to find Census records on FamilySearch where the boarder has already been linked to a Profile but not be able to open that linked profile easily. (I normally want to discover if they were a distant cousin.)

Likewise, many multi-generational neighbors intermarry. So understanding the neighborhood can give a lot of new insight into family dynamics. I can’t even imagine Gramps could be used to help satisfy that curiosity.

I discovered several instances in my German family baptismal and confirmation events. The godparents are nearly always listed in the church books, sometimes four or five of them. But their names seldom reveal what relationship they could be to the child’s family. but it certainly makes sense to capture them in abeyance. More than once I discovered that two godparents, for example, later became a family themselves, and were uncle or aunt to the child, i.e. brother or sister of the child’s mother. Such were the easy cases! The only possibility I am aware of with gramps is to hope that a ‘merge of duplicates’ will offer itself sometime.

There is the House Timeline Gramplet.

This does not track an address in a Residence event but the information in the Address tab. Each person would need the information to be the same. Fortunately, you can copy to the clipboard. It copies like an attribute and not shared like an event.

There is also the Place Report.

It can print out the events for specific places. It would easily handle Residence events for all the various people that lived there with their individual spans of time along with any other events that occurred there; births, deaths, weddings etc.


Ouch. The House Timeline Gramplet wasn’t in the wiki’s 3rd Party Add-on list.

Tweaked that 18 Mar 2020.

Now the 2018 documentation page & the manual download file location have been added & linked in the list.

I can’t find this report. Do you know it’s name in french? Is it available in v5?

I only find place report witch got two options event or person centered report.

It is a Gramplet that is best loaded in the Dashboard. It is an addon so if you do not have it, go to Preference and check for addons. You may have to uncheck the “Do not ask about previously notified addons”

That is the report.

Add a place or places selected individually or by filter. The “Center on” Person/Event just determines how the information is displayed. It will report back all events that happened attached to the place record.

From the original post, @GeorgeWilmes was looking for who lived in a household over time so you would not set a city as the selected place (although it will work) but a home address that has people with residence events at that place.

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