Gramps 5.2.3 on Windows 11 64. I can see references, though a little older, about creating custom types for places so you can have cemeteries and other options enclosed by a larger designation but for the life of me, I cannot find where this is Gramps. I select Place Type and get the drop down but there is only Unknown. Every other selection is a specific place type and there’s nothing saying how to create one. Did this functionality get retired or am I just totally missing it? Thank you!
The selector combo box (glossary definition) is a standard part of Gramps whereever there is a possibility to create a “custom type”.
The Selector Combo Box (introduction) use is described in the Visual Guide to the Gramps Interface
It is not unique to Gramps. The description in Wikipedia for a combo box talks about how such interface items are used.
What may be different than common implementation is that Gramps expands the list of Pull-down menu items whenever a new term is entered. (It is important that this is a case-sensitive feature… “cemetery”, “Cemetery”, “CEMETERY” and “cemEtery” would all be different custom Place types.
Mistakes will be made when creating custom types. So a Tools → Utilities → Type Cleanup… addon was created. Renaming a custom Type to another Type (pre-defined or custom) will merge the instances.
The Type Cleanup dialog (Gramps 5.1 screenshot below) lists the variety of features that allow users to add custom types.
Oh, I see. This makes sense now. The directions I had found for it, not sure of site now (maybe Reddit? Looked at a lot of places other than where I needed to I guess), but they specifically said to select the option from the drop down so I was stuck on that method of operation. Thank you for your help!
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