During my attempts to create a book, I click on Reports > Books : Manage books page appears: > click on toolbar: manage previously prepared books > Available books window appears – blank: why please? > close > manage books re-appears > Enter required person in Book name > add available item: select Ancestor Chart, > double click on Ancestor Chart which appears under Current Book showing a different person name: why please? > OK > Generate book > file already exists, overwrite > final page appears with different person’s details Why please? I am probably missing a step somewhere; can you help me please?
AIO64-5.2.2-r1-f905d14 (pls clarify) Windows 11
In the people and Family view, you need to designate a person as the home or active person for most of the reports.
Click to select the person or family then right mouse select to get the submenu.
The Books report takes most of the various reports that you can generate on their own and combines them into one Book. You can add tables of content, indexes and your own text page to bring the various reports together.
As you add each report to the book, you must set the options for that report just as you would if creating it as a single report. When you have all the reports added and their options set, you can name the Book and save it for future use.
When you click OK, you will then be presented with the printing options.
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