Confusion about use of prefix or name in Aldfaer GEDCOM

I use windows 10 and gramps 5.2.3
My gedcom file is like

1 NAME Peronella/van der Linden/
2 SPFX van der
2 NICK Nelly

After importing the Gedcom file I see in Gramps prefix: van der and surname: van der van der Linden
should I use prefix: van der and as surname: Linden?
Or no prefix and surname: van der Linden ?
My Gedcom file is made with Aldfaer a dutch program.

Please check if Aldfaer can export a SURN (surname) tag when it writes a SPFX (surname prefix) tag. Otherwise, the content betwwen the backslashes is read as the SURN


There is a Name Editor tool. It is an addon from the Isotammi project so make sure it is selected in the Addon Manager Project tab.

The addon will not display in the Addons list. But with the project selected, you can find and install it under the Settings tab “Check for updated addons now

This is a well known problem in Aldfaer, which can be prevented by switching off the SPFX export, as shown here:

The consequence is, that Gramps will import the full surname as ‘van der Linden’, not Linden, and that’s something that I really prefer, because Gramps is not a phone book, and I like to see the difference between Linden and van der Linden in my tree view.

Aldfaer should either export NAME only, or NAME, and GIVN, SPFX, and SURN, just like the standard says. What it did here is plain wrong.

Note that I switched off some other extensions too, to prevent the export of other tags that can pollute the Gramps database. This may have the consequence that you will loose witness information, so you may have to experiment a bit, if you want to keep that.

P.S. I bet that this person was named Petronella, not Peronella.

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Beste Enno,

Bedankt voor het antwoord.
Ik had ongeveer hetzelfde bereikt door de stamboom te verwijderen en het gedom bestand met zoek en vervang alle SPFX van der te wissen en opnieuw in te lezen.
Ik gebruik al jaren Aldfaer maar ben volstrek nieuw in Gramps. Gelokt door de belofte dat al je onderzoeks resultaten en documenten in Gramps kunnen worden ondergebracht. Gramps is veel belovend. Maaar erg intuitief is het niet. Het kost me moeite om er in thuis te raken. De aanwijzingen in de handleiding “vertel me dan nu hoe ik start” zijn niet makkelijk te volgen. He bekende euvel van versies o.i.d. knoppen of aanwijzingen die niet te vinden zijn. Maar dat komt gaande weg wel hoop ik.

Ik ben het met je eens om ook van der Linden en van der Ende te gebruiken.

En het moet inderdaad Petronella zijn.

Bedankt en groeten,
Jan van der Linden

Added an Aldfaer section in the “Import from another genealogy program” wiki article. It includes a link to this topic.

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in English
But it’s not very intuitive. It’s hard for me to get used to it. The instructions in the manual “tell me now how to start” are not easy to follow. The well-known problem with versions or the like. buttons or clues that cannot be found. But I hope that will happen along the way.

The “tell me now how to start” needs a complete rewrite. But every time I started to do the rewrite, it became so complex to explain that I submitted Feature Requests instead.

There are minor changes and defaults that could be made to ease getting started. So I submitted Feature Requests instead.

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