- Persons with events matching the <event filter> : GitHub code • wiki
Description: Matches persons who have events that match a certain event filter based on MatchesEventFilterBase - Events of places matching the <place filter> : GitHub code • wiki
Description: Matches events that occurred at places that match the specified place filter name based on event.get_place_handle() - Places enclosed by another place : GitHub code • wiki
Description: Matches a place enclosed by a particular place based on located_in(db, place.handle, self.handle)
Dec 2023 - There is a simple, 2-rule, single-stage filter for this search. It looks in the Place [more precisely,the Place Title] for a String in both Personal and Family events.
(In the example.gramps tree, USA states are entered with the 2-letter abbreviation. The Place Title searching ignores Alternative names. So to avoid places like Florence, Italy in searches for FL [Florida], you only have to include the Comma. Search the Place Title in the Places category to see what is the minimum string pattern is needed to disambiguate.)