Help cleaning up records

Windows 10 - Gramps AIO64-5.1.5-1

Hi - I’ve imported some data from the LDS site and I would like to clean up some of the records on my database. I have a couple of “places” in Gramps that are obviously wrong (listing baptismal info, etc.) and I’d like to find out what person these places are attached to so I can fix them, but I can’t seem to figure out how to find the persons attached to a place. Can someone help? Thank you! Jim

I’m not in front of GRAMPS right now, but if you are in Places and activate the bottom view, all the people and events attached to the place is shown.

First, in any Gramps record there is the References tab. This shows which other Gramps record that record is attached to. A place record can be attached to an event (which is attached to a person or family) or to another place record creating the place hierarchy.

Now to your issue.

In the Event view’s sidebar Filter, one of the options is Place. You can enter as much of the place name here to create a simple filter.

A more precise filter requires custom filters.

In the Places view create a filter

General Filters >> Place with <Id>

In the Events view create a filter

General Filters >> Events of places matching the <place filter>

Running this filter will filter all events with the specific place.

Taking it a step further create a Person filter

Event Filters >> Persons with events matching the <event filter>

So, depending how you want to work you can filter by the Person or by the Event.

Thank you! I appreciate your help! Apparently the problem was that I had places that were unlinked to any individuals. Once I checked this out with a place who had people/events attached it looked fine. Thanks again!

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