Bulk addition of events in conjunction with filters

It would be great to be able to do bulk addition of events in conjunction with filters. I will give several real situations where it is necessary:

1) select with a filter all persons who were born more than 100 years ago (you can use the already existing setting on the “Dates”->“Maximum age probably alive” tab). And I would also like to have a filter (maybe I just didn’t find it), which would be called something like this: "Persons who do not have an event with type “”. These two rules will form a list of people to whom I would like to add the “Death” event. Unfortunately, I also did not find mass addition, how it works, for example, for tags.

2. select with a filter all persons who have the full date (year, month and day) of birth. And also add the second rule - persons who do not have the “Baptism” event. Such persons would also like to make a mass addition of the “Baptism” event.

3. select with a filter all persons who have the full date (year, month and day) of death. And also add the second rule - persons who do not have the “Burual” event. Such persons would also like to make a mass addition of the “Burual” event.

Regarding to point 1, I want to draw your attention to the fact that I prefer the explicit addition of Death events instead of the built-in “Maximum age probably alive” mechanism, because they are not the same thing. The built-in mechanism is more focused on building reports and exports. And what I need is the practical side. I will try to explain. If I do not know the date of death of a person now, it does not mean that I will not know it later, and I will still have to manually add this event. At the same time, I don’t see anything wrong with adding an event without a date if the date is not yet known. This does not break any functionality of the program. Also, I’ve come to the conclusion that when working with a large database, it’s easier to work with people when you have calculated birth and death dates (or date ranges) for all of them.

Thus, all these needs could be covered by the following functionality of the program:

  1. a filter that searches for persons who do not have an event with the specified type.
  2. a filter that searches for persons whose birth or death events have a complete date
  3. the ability to make mass addition of events for persons using filters.

I don’t see a need for a bulk add since IMO event records should not be added unless you have specific dates. Yes, there are some exceptions. From your example not everyone has had a Baptism, so bulk adding such a record would be wrong.

A while ago, at a time when bulk edit ideas were circulating, I posited a scenario to make that happen. Unfortunately, I do not have the coding skills to even attempt this. My coding ability is to manipulate the code others of thought up. Obviously, there are more important issues to resolve for our heroic coders to work on.

0011181: A Batch Edit scheme to added/replace the same modification to multiple records at the same time

Batch operations are possible with SuperTool.

However, doing mass adding of blank events seems counterproductive. It adds records that slow down operations.

they will not empty (during several next days), I just want make less extra clicks because events creations will take several hours. This time could be used more effectively.

@emyoulation could you help pls with SuperTool how to configure it? Thanks.

I even sould extract such persons’ IDs list via Sqlite to insert them into SuperTool is needed.

Bulk actions + computers = Catastrophe.
(yes I know professionals do it all the time, but hopefully they know what they are doing)

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There is a thread introducing SuperTool and doing a first batch operation:

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Please note that at the time when that article was written, I did not realize that SuperTool automatically handled making some data more accessible based on the Category view where it was launched.

So… if you are going to batch process Events, load the SuperTool tool while the Events category is active.

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