Beta of "What's Next?" gramplet released to 5.2 addon list

In another recent (Aug 2024) thread, the new user made a Tree but failed to load it.

The current main Gramps application feedback about no Tree loaded is that the Gramps Titlebar says “No Family Tree - Gramps” and that the Toolbar is missing items and the statusbar is blank. That assumes too much knowledge of what should be showing.

The revised What’s Next? would help but many users would become aggravated and ignore it when the 1st bullet point in Next Steps says that they need to create a tree. They would just argue: I just DID that! and stop before reading the 2nd bullet point about loading that tree.

So the 1st screen would benefit from another test… count of available trees in the “Manage Family Trees” dialog.

If the count is <1, then the current message (with 2 steps) should be shown.

If the count is > 0, then a message saying something like n " Trees exist but none have been loaded" and Next Steps would be about selecting and loading a Tree using the "Family Trees → Manage Family Trees…’ option

How should the gramplet get a count of the Tree in the database directory throught the API ?
It looks like it is family_tree_list for a count.
But that suggests another test should be if there are any that are locked, the user should be shown a link to Breaking a lock. (That URL has the Gramps version number in it. Probably need a version-agnostic Forwarding wiki page to anchor the link.)

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