Any Gramps Web users on MacOS?

Hi all,

is there anyone using Gramps Web on MacOS who can comment on the following issue? Thanks!

I added a comment :slight_smile:

I have an M3 Mac (MacOS 14.5) and went to the demo site (user = member) using Safari. I ran the Reports → Fan Chart and used the default settings. It generated a PDF file (attached).


If there is some other test you need, let me know. I never use Safari (I am a Brave user) and have no special Safari config settings.


Hi Gary, @GaryGriffin

thanks for that! But I think the other user had a problem with the dynamic fan chart, not the fan chart report. You can find it under Tree > Fan Chart.

Oops, sorry, I misunderstood.

I can confirm that Tree → Fan Chart produces nothing in Safari. The only console message is when I click ‘Open Demo’ -

RemoteLayerTreeDrawingAreaProxyMac::scheduleDisplayLink(): page has no displayID

Other tree views in Safari work fine.

Using Brave browser, the Fan Chart Tree works fine.

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If it is any help, when I try the Fan Chart Tree in Safari and look at the source, I get the image below.

The orange block is where the 1st ‘a link’ refers. The text objects within it are within the orange block area when I select them.

The chart-content object is in orange below:

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I may be late here. Some charts are not rendered (on Mac and likely on another systems) for guest users if relatives are marked private. For example, say, grand parent’s info is private, so when I request chart for 2 generations, render fails with exception:

> Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'father_handle')
>     at 13d5169a.js:10989:1248
>     at new jI (13d5169a.js:10989:1948)
>     at PI (13d5169a.js:10989:5671)
>     at RM.renderChart (13d5169a.js:11006:9)
>     at RM.render (13d5169a.js:11005:201)
>     at RM.update (13d5169a.js:2:14988)
>     at RM.performUpdate (13d5169a.js:2:6055)
>     at RM.scheduleUpdate (13d5169a.js:2:5702)
>     at RM._$EC (13d5169a.js:2:5610)
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Best solution is to ignore private records in JS code, simplest solution is to return “” named persons from service.

Private records can’t be the root cause of this error because private records (for users that are not authorized to see them) are filtered out by the backend already at the database layer. (Filtering in JS would be pointless as then the data would already reside with the client).

I also don’t think it’s Mac specific.

Hi David, I reported that issue already earlier: The Preferences dialog for Fan chart is empty ¡ Issue #434 ¡ gramps-project/gramps-web ¡ GitHub
It wasn’t only related to the preference empty. As I said there, the fan chart worked with older version already. I am also using Mac and iPad. I didn’t see any errors but I could check again browser console.

I don’t think so - the error you reported affected all browsers and is already fixed. So it’s something separate. Your screenshot in that issue shows that the fan chat did show up.

Hi David, I found the issue now and a solution. As mentioned by GaryGriffin, the content is load but on the wrong place. If we would change

this from
.attr('style', 'max-width: 100%; height: auto; height: intrinsic;')
.attr('style', 'max-width: 100%; height: auto; min-height: min-intrinsic;')
it is at the correct place and visible again. We could even remove height: intrinsic but I don’t know the consequences.

Tested on MacOS+iPadOS


Awesome, thank you! What happens when you just leave height: auto; and omit min-height?

It worked for me as well: .attr(‘style’, ‘max-width: 100%; height: auto;’)

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