I’d like to customize the individual listing in the Narrated Web Site report to include 2 generations of linked Ancestors wrapped on my own table.
Let’s say that I have the following table row;
<TR valign=“bottom”>
<img src=“http://www.mydomain.com/images/blank.gif” width=“1” height=“38”>
<TD align=“right”>
<A HREF=“p-grandmotherlink”>PaternalGrandmotherName</A>
How would I substitute in the URL & name of a particular Ancestor to the focal person on the page?
For 2 generations of (primary) ancestors, this would include:
Father (Ahnentafel offset=2)
Mother (Ahnentafel offset=3)
Paternal grandfather (Ahnentafel offset=4)
Paternal grandmother (Ahnentafel offset=5)
Maternal grandfather (Ahnentafel offset=6)
Maternal grandmother (Ahnentafel offset=7)
The following code was shared in another thread:
Note that I actually use CSS to do the pedigrees. But a Table row was more self-explanatory than:
<div class=“Pedigree”>
<p class=“PaternalGrandmother”><a href=“PaternalGrandmotherURL”>PaternalGrandmotherName</p>