What is the appearance of the File Chooser for Gramps Web?

Just noted that the GUI for Gramps Web is built with the Flist Lit toolkit, while Gramps uses Gtk+ (GIMP toolkit).

One of the major visual differences that make Gramps appear alien in the OS is when adding Media. Gramps the Gkt+ File Chooser instead of native File Choosers. The Gtk+ File Chooser has a different look, bookmarking capabilities and support of Environmental Variables.

The Gramps Web user guide does not include a screen capture of the Add Media File Chooser. Is there a Flist Lit File Chooser or does it use the native File Chooser for the device?


I have no idea what Flist is - never heard of it.

Gramps Web uses the native HTML element <input type="file">, which calls native file chooser dialogs depending on the browser and OS.

On Android, for instance, it lets you even choose the camera (which comes in handy when capturing photos directly as media files into Gramps Web).

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Sorry. It was Lit, not Flist. (See Gramps Web frontend)

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But the file-chooser is provided by the browser. That applies to the calendar widget as well by the way, which can be used when choosing a date.

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