Is there a way to leverage the glossary to a translated term lookup?
For users of translated Gramps GUIs, it would be helpful it they could lookup a feature’s English name equivalent.
And to lookup the GUI element name in their native language when we use the English name in Discourse.
I regularly use Google to “site:” search our domain in order to provide hot-linked help:
DuckDuckGo extends the site search parameter with inurl:
and intitle:
options. The also have language filtering. (But there’s something weird with their indexing of our site currently… the page desciptions are being restricted.)
I tried using the Weblate interface to do lookups. But that was ridiculously hard to navigate
We have a Glossary component in Weblate.
Click on “Search” and enter a string such as “active person”. You can also click on “Languages” first and select a translation, and then click on “Search.”
Alternatively, just do a text search in the appropriate po
That Weblate Glossary ( ← this link starts 1 level deeper, with the search form open) is what I found to be so unnavigable.
It seems OK when you try it with a few common terms (like “active person”). But when looking deeper, it seems perverse. That “active person” sesrch only returns 5 hits? And 1 is English. How can there only be 5?
And something like “latest person” or “Restore History” or “RestoreHist” (from the thread that prompted this inquiry) cannot find any!
The glossary only has a limited number of terms, and not all of them have been translated. We can always add more.
If you want to search all translations then use the “Program” component instead.
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That sounds good.
I thought that we could use the Wiki’s Glossary as an index to the documentation and a cross-reference for other languages. (Several of us having been working on the Glossary for years.) It has become pretty good as an index.
But it doesn’t work well for the other languages.
First, it is only partially translated. And only by a few languages.
Second when translating, the translated terms tend to be re-sorted alphabetically and the hash link is changed.
So while I hoped that the Turk who is given a link on Discourse to a Home Person glossary entry be redirected to “ana kişi” by just just click the Türkçe link on the Language bar. But that flushes the the hashtag link “#home_person” when it re-directs to the Turkish language Glossary.
However, the turkish translator was savvy enough to leave the SPAN tags in English. So the unusually observant user might notice that they will be re-directed to “Ana Kişi” if they insert the Language code in the right place in the english #home_person
hashtagged URL: