Web blog with multiple notes

Gramps 5.2.2
Gramps Web API 2.1.0
Gramps Web Frontend 24.3.2

I really like the Blog feature in the Gramps Web, but I would like it to be able to use multiple notes from a source.
In the blog presentation I would like to have a text block (first note) followed by an image followed by another text block (second note) and so on.
I think this can be implemented by putting an attribute to each image added to the source. The attribute could e.g. be “notenumber:2”, which would indicate that the image should be shown after note number 2. If images do not have an attribute, these images are shown as today.


I’m glad you like the blog feature. I agree having pictures in between text would be very useful. The question is how to implement it. I don’t think multiple notes and attributes are ideal. I’ll think about it. Feel free to open a feature request at Issues · gramps-project/gramps-web · GitHub.

I’m wondering whether there is a way that is more compatible with Gramps Desktop. For instance we could have a link to the media object in the blog note, which in the Gramps Web blog view is represented as an image preview with the link text as caption.

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