I use “Disproven” and “Unproven” in Zotero and Foam/Obsidian and a few other software I use, for sources/information that either does disprove something I have had unconclusive sources for or “Unproven” for sources that does not have enough information to be a proven fact, e.g., it in itself cannot prove a claim.
Disproven I use for sources that tells me that the claims I am researching is wrong, I also add this as a TAG to any incorrect sources/citations.
I also use:
- Unproven (Not proven claims in a source)
- Unconclusive (the information does not give enough to make a conclusion)
- Not Researched
- Search without result (I use this for sources or documents so that I don’t need to search it again for the same Research object)
- Need more information
- Approved
All of this is research statuses for me, but the “Disproven” and “Approved” can also be used in the end result when I need to make a Note of why I have changed something or why I think something was/is wrong in earlier research/result/claims.
Not doing research in Gramps, so not using this approach in Gramps.