SuperTool script, which replaces old titles with new ones

First of all you can use this small SuperTool script to print all source titles:

[Gramps SuperTool script file]




count = 0

print(f"{gramps_id}. {title}")







After running this script, you can copy-paste all the source titles into an AI tool and request formatting or structure changes according to specific rules. The AI should then return a ready-made array for the next SuperTool script, which will replace old titles with the new ones:

[Gramps SuperTool script file]

SuperTool-Change Source Titles

This script modifies the titles of source entries in the Gramps genealogy software. It uses a predefined list of old and new titles, along with Gramps IDs, to ensure accurate updates. If a matching entry is found in the list, the title is updated; otherwise, no changes are made.


# Print a line for better script output visibility.

# Predefined list of title transformations.
# Each item contains:
# - gramps_id: The unique ID of the source in Gramps.
# - old_title: The original title as it appears in Gramps.
# - new_title: The transformed title to update the source with.
titles_data = [
        "gramps_id": "S0000",
        "old_title": "Метрична книга, c. Ковалівка, 1883, 1884 рр.",
        "new_title": "Метрична книга. Місце: c. Ковалівка. Дата: 1883 р., 1884 р."
        "gramps_id": "S0737",
        "old_title": "Метрична книга, 1764 р. (с. Біловоди)",
        "new_title": "Метрична книга. Місце: с. Біловоди. Дата: 1764 р."
    # A long source titles list can be added here for more entries.

# Iterate through the predefined title transformations.
for item in titles_data:
    # Check if both the title and Gramps ID match the current source.
    if item["old_title"] == title and item["gramps_id"] == gramps_id:
        # If a match is found, use the new title for the source.
        new_title = item["new_title"]

# No filter is applied, so the script will consider all sources.

# No custom expressions are used in this script.

# Apply this script to all sources.


# Commit the changes made to the titles in Gramps.

# Generate a detailed output rather than a summary.

This process allows you to automate the title updates in Gramps efficiently.


The scripts were successfully tested on about 700 sources of real data

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