Sorting Children by Date of Birth

I was talking about what I expected gramps to do, not what it does. People’s opinions clearly differ on what expected behavior should be. My only point is that having an option for gramps to automatically display children sorted by age seems desired by at least some users.

I guess I’m a little surprised that what I considered to be a rather simple question has generated so much discussion. I’m relatively new to Gramps, but have some background in database. I am simply trying to generate a (text based) ‘Descendent Report’ in Gramps, and wish entries to be displayed sorted first by family and second by birth order. I am not recommending Gramps be altered to autosort. Rather I am seeking guidance as to how to best manually request a birth order sort for my report.
If memory serves, most databases sort based on a hierarchy of fields. That is the primary field sorted first, followed by the secondary, and so on. My original question was 'is there a way to (manually) designate the sort orders?
Windows 10

@John – Thank you for the clarification.

This duplication of the Birth Date column does not occur on my Windoze port in either People view mode. But my installation has been patched. So it’ll have to be tested on a vanilla box too.

Note that your capture has neither a Last Modified nor Tags column and the Number of Marriages checkbox is shaded differently.

It needs to be tested on the main Linux master & on another Mac before filing a bug report. (It seems familiar that some drag’n’drop problems only occurred on the Mac port and that it needed a bit of extra love during porting.)

In the GUI, yes. Via drag’n’drop or the Reorder arrow controls in the Person Editor or Family Editor. Family orders with the Reorder control in the Relationship view. There is an as-yet-unreleased patch for changing the sorting by clicking on the header of the (newly included) date column for the Source Citations tabs.

However, that leaves identifying how sorting/subsorting is defined in each of the reports.

Oh, if you hadn’t noticed already, you’ll find that the Gramps community tends to discuss everything in minute detail.

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I think this is a bug in MacOS. It shouldn’t duplicate columns. Please, make a bug report.

Regarding the duplicate columns; we already have a bug report on this, 0012038: Citation Tree View has duplicate Source: Abbreviation columns - Gramps - Bugtracker – Free Genealogy Software
I think the solution is not to use the ‘option’ key when dragging the column, just a drag works. The bug report has a way to clean this up when it happens.

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Same problem, but in the Configure pane of the People list view, so the relevant file is People_personlistview.ini. In my case a simple drag without the option key also duplicates the line, and this shows up in the .ini as well.

I’ve added this to the bug report.

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