Running gramps from development directory

When trying to run gramp from development directory, I keep getting a ResourcePath.ERROR: Unable to determine resource path. I having no problems with doing this with 5.1.4 to 5.1.6 but the master from github no so much. I’m new to python and wanting to learn so I can help with gramps and this has me stumped.

From the development directory, clean the build files with:

git clean -dfx

Then run the build script:

python build

Then run Gramps with:


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That fixed the resources errors but now everything is arabic again. I have not problems working with 5.1.6 and below. There are some features that 5.2 beta has that would make life easier for me. I’ll hold off until the working beta is release at the end of the month.

What is the result of the following commands in a terminal:

type python
python -V

What is the content if they exist of:


Does the problem exist only for gramps?

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Can you do:

grep -ri ar.AA $HOME/.config | cut -c-72

Do you have this string ?

What’s the value of your LANG environment variable? You can see that by typing env, which lists all variables, or by typing echo $LANG.

Also what happens when you run Gramps with

LANG=en_US.UTF-8 python

Using LANG this way only changes the LANG variable for the command after it.


running python 3.11.3 on latest manjaro. grep -ri ar.AA $HOME/.config | cut -c-72 returned nothing. /etc/default/locale exists and everything is set for en_US.UTF-8. There is no locale.alias file.

running LANG=en_US.UTF-8 python stills gives me arabic.

gramps 5.1.x version builds work perfectly, so I don’t believe it’s my system. The master worked until the new weblate was added.

Edit your /etc/locale.gen file and then run locale-gen afterwards.

Still gave me Arabic characters. I run 5.1.6 source locally from terminal with the only error was I didn’t have spell check installed. Running Master source code the same way, it came up pyicu not found. Checked and it was installed. Reinstall python-pyicu and restarted master code. Everything came up correctly except dashboard titles which are still in arabic. Don’t know why the release versions were finding pyicu but master wasn’t until I reinstalled it. But it is still usable.

Please remember to include these issue in your testing and start a thread in the Beta Testing with your results.

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