Repository, Source, Citation depth

OS: Windows
GRAMPS: AIO64-5.2.3-r1-aa03f5a

I’m looking for suggestions on how to organize an image I found in the US National Archive. It’s an image in a Series found in Record Group 94, digitized on
I started thinking like this:

Source: Record Group 94 (National Archives NextGen Catalog)

But I want to record the series and then the individual record itself, too. How do others cite things found like this, several levels of organization deep?


You have the first two correct. Continue what you want to document in the vol/page field. I like to separate significant pieces of data with a : character and at the end a , and then the URL to the record.

I use Zotero and create Collections and sub-collections for each level in an archive, I do the same for the folder structure, if you are on Windows you would need to activate 32-bit file path (long file name) to be able to have the depth needed in your file and folder hierarchy…

I always download the media to the folder and give it a descriptive name, but keep the original file name in metadata.
I add the image/media to Gramps or any other software I use, then I use the Citation function in Zotero and copy the citation to Gramps in APA format.

I also use Obsidian, Foam and Zettlr for research logs/notes in addition to Aeon Timeline for timelines in my research…
I also use a few other software where I can add links to files with some limited description and/or metadata…

This way I can add the same media and have the same Citation format and/or Bibliography format in all the software I use. while I administrate all my sources and citations in one single software…

Multiple of the software I use, support some kind of interchangeable format or interoperability with Zotero…

Something like this? Does your Volume / Page get this long, too?

Yes, mine gets even longer when I append the URL to it.
It works well for me because I upload a gedcom to WikiTree and their imported does all the right stuff with it.
That is another reason to test where you put the data if you have any plans to move it to another site. Also see how it appears in reports.
Best of luck.

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Ok! Thank you for your help!

I use Zotero too and I am interested in your practice with Zotero/Gramps. Maybe in a new subject?

I am curious whether the Zotero support (with Better BibTex extension) that @cdhorn added to his experimental CardView was effective.

You can see some examples I posted on Geneanet a while ago. It’s not perfect but it works!

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If you search my name and/or “zotero” you will find some comments I have made regarding use of Zotero, Obsidian and many other software I use or have tested.
There is also in some of the threads multiple printsceens of my old zotero structure if its of interest.

I don’t think I am going to participate in any new discissions where I share any longform writeups of my workflows or usage of other software anymore,
…to much negative noise from a few users in this forum…

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