Relationship graph child/sibling order

Gramps 5.2.4
Gramps Web API 2.8.1
Gramps Web Frontend 25.1.1
Gramps QL 0.3.0
Sifts 1.0.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true
OCR: true
chat: false

Hi, wanna ask about relationship graph.
I tried to create family tree but the order of the child/sibling in the relasionship graph seems incorrect, (not like other 3 graph/tree). can i know what kind of sorting that implemented in the graph for the order of the children/siblings?

I also tried to change the order of the children through edit family page (with arrow up/down), but the order in the relationship graph doesnt reflect with it. am I missing something? or it is intended to be like that?

This is (somewhat) intentional. Displaying a relationship graph without self-intersecting lines is a highly non-trivial geometric problem and doing so while keeping siblings in chronological order turned out to not be feasible.

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