Question about the arrangement of images in the gallery

Thank you for your help. Then it’s obviously my installation. I learned a lot of new things about Gramps today…

I’m currently running Check&Repair so cannot verify, but at the top of the image, does it say *Installed ???

If so, it may mean a misunderstanding of what happens with the gramplet.

My main edit view is Relationships. I have Deep Gallery installed in the views Sidebar. It would also work in the People and Grouped People views.

For the record, the help_url line in the plug-in registration is not relevant in this particular case. And it it was relevant, the link is slightly malformed.

No entry has been added to the 5.1 or 5.2 addon list. Even if an had been added, this placeholder link should have set to the version agnostic link :

No entry exists in the 3rd-party addon table because an addon page has not yet been created for Addon:Deep Gallery

It appears from your snapshot that the gramplet is installed but NOT loaded. I just installed it and get the same snapshot of the plugins. But when I actually load it (instructions below) I get the word ‘Loaded’ at the bottom of the snapshot.

INSTRUCTIONS - this loads the gramplet in the bottom area. You can change this to side if desired

Go to People view (for instance). At the bottom bar, click the down-arrow at the right side. Choose Add Gramplet → Deep Gallery.

You should now have a tab in the lower section labeled ‘Deep Gallery’. If you click on it, you get all of the media.

Thats right. I took the pictures bevor i loaded the Gramplet in the Person view.

Now it´s loaded and it don´t show all the pictures from “Joachim Müllner”

He had one pictures in the person view.

and one picture by the death event.

But these bouth picture are not be displayed in the Deep Galery Gramplet.

I don´t know what´s running bad …

Yes, I am seeing the same thing. No images attached directly to the event are being displayed.

Curiously, images attached to the citation attached to the event ARE being displayed.

Issue raised on its github repository

If you want to fix this and willing to make a code change,


add the one line (be sure leading spaces are correct):


as shown below


def process_events(self, gobj):
    Process events.
    for event_ref in gobj.get_event_ref_list():
        event_handle = event_ref.get_reference_handle()
        event = self.dbstate.db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)


def process_events(self, gobj):
    Process events.
    for event_ref in gobj.get_event_ref_list():
        event_handle = event_ref.get_reference_handle()
        event = self.dbstate.db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)

you are a magician. It´s working now.

Can this be added to the official Gramplets?? For automatic download?

I am not the author and only found this gramplet due to this specific thread.

@ukulelehans - do you want to publish this on the gramps52 Addons?

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