In the gallery for a person, by default, the first image is used to create a thumbnail for the person. For this one person in my database, I don’t have a picture of the person, but I do have a picture of a cafe he once owned. Is there a way to include that photo in the gallery without that photo being used as the thumbnail photo?
Short answer is No.
Instead of putting the picture of the owned business in the Person Gallery (making it the default person image) put the picture in an an Event gallery where the event holds information about the ownership of the business.
Note: Not all reports will display images attached to events. Something to test in your preferred report options.
You could create a second media record of the business image and put it as the first image in the gallery but set both locks private in the main record entry and in the upper media reference for the person. Making it private will prevent it from displaying in reports etc but would still remain visible within Gramps itself. But test it, if a report sees the first image as Private, skipping it, will the second image take its place? Unknown. I have not tested it and I am just thinking of ideas.
Thanks, Dave! That’s what I figured.
I had put the photo in an event gallery. However, it’s not an obvious place to look for images, and I had actually forgotten that I had put the picture there.
(This now means that I’ll have to revisit some plugins I’ve written and add some additional support for event galleries.)
But does anyone know if there is a way of overridding the default display of the first image from a PERSON gallery tab as that person’s thumbnail?
This has bugged me for years, and very often creating an artificial event to prevent display of the only picture in there (e.g. of his horse) is cumbersome and extremely unhelpful. And I can confirm that several otherwise useful gramps reports do NOT display images attached to events.
It would far better if it were possible in any person gallery to disable display of ANY image as a thumbnail if a user wanted that, and also, instead, to allow a user to nominate which of several images in the gallery should be used for the thumbnail, without having to go to the artificial effort of removing all existing images and replacing them in a different order, with the one wanted as thumbnail first.
I had forgotten that the order of images can be changed with the arrows, so the second of the options I refer to is really about being able to use an image other than the first for the thumbnail.
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