(Décès is Death in french, Lieu de décès is Death Place)
Why do we see death information in the death, date and place columns? It is the one indicated in an Graduation ceremony (? in french “Remise de diplôme”) event (the only one) in which I indicated the approximate date on which his name was affixed to the war memorial. Why the information of this event which has nothing to do with death (well, it is the case, but it is a coincidence, but suddenly the information indicated is false) is found in these fields?
The problem is that you are renaming a death event to something else. Primary Birth and Death events are stored within the Person data, when the event is first attached to the person, or when the event list is modified.
So when you rename a death event, at least if it is primary, it doesn’t get updated within the person data, that data still records the originally attached event as a death.
This design was chosen to speed up the population of the various people views, which usually show birth and death dates and sometimes places. I suspect that the original designers never thought that anyone would modify the type of an event after it was created and attached to people.
To update the person data, edit the person, go to the event tab and modify the event list in some way, perhaps by moving a real birth or death event closer to the top. When the person edit box is finished with ‘OK’, the correct death event should appear.
I tested that and yes you are correct, but you dont even have to change anything, at least for me just opening the person editor and clicking OK without changing anything fixed it.
I havent experienced it before because I have never shared a birth or death event before.
For many of them, this is the only event they have. I will be creating a new database using my last backup. It’ll correctly recreate the people record using the Graduation record, I guess.