I’ve been using Gramps for a few weeks – so I’m a total noob.
Gramps 5.1.5-1
Windows 10
When I try to generate a narrated web site, I’m getting the following error:
196735: ERROR: narrativeweb.py: line 1516: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\users\\rick\\.'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\GrampsAIO64-5.1.5\gramps\plugins\webreport\narrativeweb.py", line 1513, in copy_file
shutil.copyfile(from_fname, dest)
File "AIO/shutil.py", line 120, in copyfile
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\users\\rick\\.'
I’m a little confused, as I’ve selected a different Destination for the output (that is fully writable) – why is Gramps still looking for the c:\users\rick ? I’m running Gramps as an Administrator.
After the error appears, I select Cancel a few times, and the output continues.
What am I doing wrong, and how can I avoid the error?
The Narrative Web stores the chosen directory and other settings in an
initialization file. On my Linux system, at least some of the settings
are stored in ~/gramps/gramps51/gramps.ini, so you will get an error if
you don’t have permission to create or modify the initialization file.
I believe that the C:\Users\<username> is also utilized for for creating a temp directory where parts of the report can be compounded and collated. Sub-directories there should be always writable by the user.
But the error message gives the impression that it dropped the filename from the OS action.
This is only true for the dynamicweb. The narrativeweb creates the tar on the fly.
Can you provide the following file: report_options.xml which is normally in the $HOME/.gramps directory on UNIX systems and on C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\gramps\report_options.xml on windows
I see the down_fname options with the directory in question. Do I need to change them? (Although I don’t fully understand why – as the directory is writable.)
If you’re uncomfortable posting your entire report_options.xml file, how about using the Private Messaging on this forum to send it to @SNoiraud Serge? (You might have to ZIP it to successfully attach.)
Because this is a chunky format, you might have to iteratively (and frustratingly) respond a multitude of times if you only send the chunks that SEEM to be related.
Serge can still respond here so that this thread helps built our support knowledgebase.
From @emyoulation 's suggestion, I’m going to PM my complete reports_options.xml to you, and we can take this offline. When resolved, you can summarize the issue here.
So, this will (surely) be a stupid question, but how in the world do I compse a new message? On my The Gramps Project (Discourse Forum & Mailing List) page, there’s no obvious Create/Send new message button?
Every system is different. So don’t worry about asking questions.
I click on the avatar on one of the person’s responses in the thread. A dialog appears that has a “Message” button. This opens a message editor with the originating thread quoted.