Markdown report?

Is there a Gramps report that produces markdown? Or an xsl which could be used to convert the xml from Gramps to MD?

I am trying Obsidian recommended by @StoltHD and I would like to see a graph output from Gramps data


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You can use one of the HTML reports and import the HTML files to Markdown…

I did a test a while back with the “Narrative”, but that was back when the graph didn’t have much functions… and it was some job to create single md file for each “object”, if you can some scripting it will be easy, and it might be easy with pandoc, I just imported the files, and got a lot of lists that I manually had to split.

At the moment, I’m working on an XML import from XML to Excel with Power Query, where I create one excel table for each object type in the xml file, i.e. one for notes, one for people, one for places and so on.

It’s really easy to use Power Query, but it’s a little more work to make markdown files the way I want them, with the correct links and so on (I want to use the Gramps Handle as identifiers of the Note, in a YAML key, and create Notes with the handle + name/description as file name.

But since its ages since I last made any VBA code, it take som time to get it right…

there are some converters on github, but I have not found anyone that convert the xml file from gramps to MD…

Then my plan is to create a markdown file with inline links for each line in each workbook, this is some job, because it has to be done by vba (or any other scripting language).
I want to add YAML keys for all properties/attributes to each note…

I also try to create one node sheet (export to csv) and a full edge sheet (also export to csv), to import to Cytoscape… But now the lates preview of the Advanced Graph View Plugin has a “save graph” function, so it might be possible I don’t need to do this part…

but for testing, I think one of the HTML reports will be okay, or maybe just create a pdf or ODF report and convert it with Pandoc.

It should be possible to change the pandoc commands for one of the reports using it, but I do not know how…

I used Zettlr to import the HTML files, it has more functions for the document writing part, that what Obsidian has, and you can use them both on the same folder (vault in Obsidian).

If you use Zotero, You can also use the markdown plugin for Zotero and export all your notes to markdown straight into the Obsidian vault. (just an extra tips).

At the moment I use a Norwegian Excel version, and the queries in that is not compatible with any other languages, else I would have given you a copy of it…

I am going to do the same in an English version when I have it up running and working, but that will take a while…

I recommend creating an odf, pdf or docx report of your chosing, and create one page for each “object”, and then convert the file with pandoc

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