Illegimate children and 2nd marriages

Version AIO64-5.2.3 Windows
I’m new to GRAMPS having just learned how to add people, relationships, date of birth, death, marriage.

My great,great,great,great grandmother was apparently quite a “character”, having had 13 children, 10 of which were illegitimate (although I know of 2 fathers of 5 of them) and married in between legitimising 3 of her children.

Of course I can create a marriage between her and the father of her 3 legitimate children, but how do I add her illegimate children under her maiden name and the known and unknown fathers?

Another question: how can I add a 2nd marriage to a person?


You are adding family, not a marriage. You can select the relationship type of the Family. Choose from the drop-down Type: list the available types of family relationships such as Civil Union, Married, Unknown(default), Unmarried, etc.) or add a Custom Type. When adding children to a family, a dialog will appear asking the relationship between that child an each parent: Adopted, Birth (default), Foster, None, Sponsored, Stepchild, Unknown.

Select your 4th great-grandmother, change to the Relationships category and click the Add a new Family with person as parent. (See the “How do I… add a spouse” wiki article.) Families (both parent and spouse) can be reordered.

Alternatively, you can use the Add menu and select Family. Then drag the parent to the right spot.

You can connect siblings (even when of unknown parentage) by dragging them to the Children tab of a new family.

The easiest way is to use GraphView
Right click the individual you add a spouse without putting in a name
you can then add children and change the surname to whatever you want.
You can also add multiple marriages this way

You can add the father of the Illegitimate child as “[unknown]” as the Given name (my preferred method) or leave the father blank in the family if you do not know the father. Make sure to set the Family’s Relationship type to “Unmarried”.

If an Illegitimate child is adopted by a subsequent father, that child can have two sets of parents. In the child’s second set of parents set the Paternal relationship to “Adopted” leaving the mother as “Birth”.

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Thank you all for your help and quick responses

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