I’ve just installed Gramps Web locally (Docker), and is amazed! Thanks to all of you contributing to this fantastic web package.
I have tried to make a Blog post, by following the instructions:
Make a new Source item and tag it with “Blog”.
The input frame for a new Source item has the fields; Title, Author, Publication info, Abbrevation. I have not succeded in any way to issue a blog post, as I don’t know how to tag with “Blog”
What am I missing here?
After saving the source and going to edit mode (round blue button), there is a button to add a tag.
(What webpage has that instruction? It is helpful to include a link so the author can find the page quickly and improve it.)
The Blog instructions are expanded a little bit in:
The definition of Tag terminology is in the Gramps Glossary. Introduction to the use of them (in Gramps for Desktops) is linked from within that glossary term.
None unfortunately. The user documentation is far from complete. It would be great to have more volunteers improving it.
Please note that we have been slowly improving the Gramps Glossary for several years. We try to put in an anchor for every term and link to the introduction of the feature’s usage in the interface.
Linking to the Glossary term reduces the need for repetitive and excessive detail in documentation. And eliminates searching for a linkable introduction in the wiki.
Most term anchors are in lower case and use underscores for spaces.
Example the link to Tag is:
After creating the source with the tag ‘blog’ add a note to the source with text, that you want to be displayed in the blog. Eventually add one or more images to the source. The first image will be displayed before the text from the note. All other images (including the first) will be shown after the text.
Is the Tag label case sensitive? And does it recognize the label translation into other languages. {e.g., French (blog, blogue), German (Blog), Finnish (blogi), Spanish (blog, bitácora), Esperanto (blogo), simplified Chinese ( 博客)}
Thank you for the very quick answer, I got it and it works!