How to determine/modify the edit-print-page size

Hi everybody,
From the main menu going to menu ->edit ->print I see a very unusual paper-size, in my case 51" by 50".
I would like to know where these dimensions come from and how to select them if possible.
This may be useful to me and others when looking at a view (eg the excellent FamilyTreeView by @ztlxltl ) and needing to export a .svg or a .pdf ready to send to a collaborator or relative.

Does anyone know where these dimension come from or how to set them?
Perhaps the views have a latent capability to scale the canvas!

Thanks in advance.

GRAMPS: 5.2.4 
Python: 3.10.12 
BSDDB: 6.2.9 (5, 3, 28) 
sqlite: 3.37.2 (2.6.0)
OS: Linux
Distribution: 5.15.0-130-generic
Linux mint VM on Virtualbox
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Glad you like my view. And the view you want to print is actually a pretty important piece of information, since printing is controlled by the view. So I can provide some context here.

The printing implementation is currently pretty basic. I decided that there should definitely be some kind of quality export of the tree (without printing there are only screenshots, I guess). Since a pagination logic that gives good results for all possible trees is quite complex, I decided that the best way is to export (print/save as pdf) the whole tree on one page, with the page size being the size of the tree, and let the user do the preprocessing by hand or automatically with dedicated software if he/she wants to split it on multiple pages.

My impression from threads in this forum is that most users want their tree printed on one large piece of paper. And it’s easier to split a large page into small pages than to combine many small pages into one large one.

I think a possible improvement would be to be able to select different page sizes and not create multiple pages, but instead scale the tree down to fit on one page of that page size. I’ll add that to my list.

I’m probably misunderstanding you but that’s not what I’m seeing with the Windows version. When I click on the print icon in the FTV I get the std Windows print dialog, where I can choose which device to print to. The only PDF printer I have is the built in ‘Microsoft print to PDF’. If I choose that, the tree that is printed ends up on a page size set by the printer driver, which defaults to A4 in my case. Unsurprisingly therefore most of the tree is lost, because it’s much bigger than A4.

In attempts to replicate this on Fedora 37 using Gramps 5.2.2, I am finding the page dimensions fields in the standard OS print dialogs to be disabled.

The dimension specified were about half a landscape letter size.

The views tried are the various Geography and Charts view modes. It was not limited to the experimental FamilyTreeView.

The page dimensions preferences for Reports were in the .gramps/report_options.xml

My previous post was based on what happened on my Win 10 desktop PC. Now I’m on my Win 11 laptop. In summary, no change.

The print dialog looks different (it would, it’s called ‘Progress’) and includes a tick box to ‘let the app change my printing preferences’. However, even with that option ticked, the page size of the output PDF is that as set within the print dialog. Thus bits of the tree are lost because it’s larger than the PDF page size of A4.

PS Note the use of an upper case ‘P’ on ‘Progress’. This indicates the word is a proper noun, i.e. it’s just a name and has no connection with ‘progress’ (lower case ‘p’), which is an adjective, describing ‘forward motion’.

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My experience falls in line with @stuck.

Printing to PDF on Win10, Gramps 5.2.4 produced an 8.5x11 document.

In trying to understand @Brinycoolie’s original question, I could never find a view’s print option that even mentioned page sizes.

When I click on the print icon in the Family Tree View, and then click on the Page Setup tab, I see the size of the single page (in my case, 20.56 in x 18.06 in).

When I open the saved PDF, I can send the entire image to the printer if I select the Scale option “Fit to printable area” (the options you see may depend on your printer). Or I can choose “Custom” and enter a percentage for scaling. In my case, the maximum scale that will let everything fit on a single page is about 40% of the original.

Of course, if I then print to a normal sheet of paper, it will be very small. But I could send the PDF to a firm that prints posters.

I have to admit that I’ve only tested printing on Ubuntu. There, large and unusual page sizes are no problem and can be saved as PDF, Postscript or SVG. And the workflow I had in mind was pretty similar to the one @GeorgeWilmes outlined.

@GeorgeWilmes Which OS are you using?

I just tried on Windows and the Windows driver seems to override the page size that FTV provides/suggests. I’m not sure if this can be circumvented without implementing a rescale to a specific paper size in FTV. But how do you know what paper size the Windows PDF printer will use (e.g. Letter or A4)?
In general, maybe someone with experience printing other views on Windows can help. As @emyoulation suggests, this may not be FTV specific.

My only suggestion for the time being: Install other (trusted) PDF printers and see if they support large page sizes.

Debian 12.9

Are you able to change the scale as I did?

By checking in the printer driver. It’s buried a bit but it is there, e.g. on my Win 11 laptop if I:

  1. click on the FTV print icon
  2. in the dialog that opens, click on ‘more settings’
  3. in the next dialog that appears I can set the paper orientation, portrait or landscape, and…
  4. still in that dialog, click on the ‘Advanced’ button
  5. now I can set the paper size

If I recall correctly, it the same sequence on my Win 10 desktop PC.

Do you know of any particular software that can do this?

I once used Adobe Reader for a similar task (but not to print a family tree). It has a “Poster” print mode to split up a large page. Unfortunately, it’s only available for Windows and MacOS (and it’s not FOSS).
I don’t know of any alternatives, but there should be some PDF software with similar functionality.

since this morniong I have been experimenting with a tool for ‘tiling’ a large (in dimensions) PDF file called pdfposter, available through the synaptic utility with only one other dependency, which is FOSS. The tool works quite well if you have a decent way to estimate what size ‘grid’ you will need. I do not have a plotter of my own and now I am retired I have no access to my employer’s plotter. ooops! :wink:
Anyway, I have determined that this tool will suffice and all I will need is a paper guillotine for trimming the edges on a 12 sheet stack. Much cheaper that a wide format plotter.
Most of the work I do needs a landscape format 3-wide by 4 deep of Letter-size tiles to show a quite readable 100 person tree on a tile-print of the very excellent FamilyTreeView…did I say superb?

Of course if the source-code of this FOSS tool, seemingly available on the author’s site, was forked and incorporated directly into the Gramps view so user configuration action could specify the grid for any arbitrary output pdf, then it would be quite useful in these views but also for reports and trees and so on…
It seems that depending on the filter chosen by a gramps user the shape of the resultant tree is often very different so a rectangular grid can certainly waste a few pages of printer paper in the blank areas. A clever refinement would be to identify those blank pages for a specified grid, minimize the grid shape and dimensions to minimize the blank pages and so exclude them from the output print.
Thanks for all the ideas and discussion though.

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I am very honored by your repeated praise of the addon. I’m glad you find it useful!

I haven’t used the tool, but if it would be useful for multiple tools in Gramps, and if you would like to see it integrated into Gramps, this should be discussed with the Gramps developers. There may be many open questions, such as whether it can be integrated into the AIO for Windows.
Since I don’t know the tool, I can’t judge whether the integration makes sense and is worth the effort.

Like I said, I haven’t used the tool, but can’t you print to PDF and then only print the non-blank pages from that PDF?

Despite being a user of gramps for a decade, I am having great trouble understanding this issue.
Do I take it we are NOT talking about the “Reports > Graphical reports > Family tree” option, but some other “view”? Perhaps only available in the latest edition?
Or perhaps it is assumed that everyone already knows how to get into “FTV”?
I do not yet have a version of 5.2.4 set up, but on my production version of 5.1.4 on Win10, I have all page size that particular graphical report and I have no trouble generating svg or pdf output of whatever size or orientation I want. If you are indeed talking about some new “view”, and are still having trouble with it, you might well try that “report” as an alternative, as it would seem to do all that you are trying to achieve.
I think it would greatly help people who are interested in how to get the most out of gramps if you were clearer about which “view” or “report” you are talking about, and exactly how to reproduce the behaviour you are experiencing. On AIO 5.1.4 there is no series of steps “menu > edit > print” that makes any sense, but perhaps that is a version or o/s issue, or depends on where you start that sequence from?
In 5.1.4 there is no “Family TreeView” available in the Navigator under the “View” options for “Charts”, and the only ihstance of a name similar to that is the Graphical Report I have referred to. A check of addons similarly does not list any addon of that name other than the graphical report. A search on the gramps wiki and the Third party addons page does not list anything with a “Family TreeView” name, other than the graphical report which is actually named “Family Tree” or “familytree.addon”.

Or perhaps it is assumed that everyone already knows how to get into “FTV”?

@adriandavey See main discussion about this Gramps 5.2.x only experimental addon

Has not been added to the Gramps wiki.

Changing the page size for Reports is fairly straight-forward. There are “Paper Options” tabs common to all reports. The page dimensions are easily exposed for editing. And those dimensions are saved in a .gramps/report_options.xml configuration file. (But can be over-ridden with the .gramps/books.xml

The other features of Gramps that print are all views: the Geography views and only SOME of the Charts view modes. Printing from views uses the OS print dialogs … which makes it more complex to troubleshoot where persistant settings are saved.

We are lucky to have a developer (@ztlxltl ) actively beta testing their new addon Charts view mode: tentatively called “FamilyTreeView”. (The confusion you experienced with the Family Tree addon graphical report is a good reason to kick around ideas for a more unique and evocative addon name.) That new Chart view supports printing. So that developer is well-placed to explore any Print idiosyncrasies.

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In the latest version of FTV (v0.1.54) I added an option to scale the tree to fit the page when printing. This way the whole tree can be exported and no parts will be cut off if the page is fixed to a size too small for the tree (like on Windows).

Please note that in my tests the scaling caused distorted text in some cases, but only on Windows, not on Ubuntu.

Maybe this new option will help someone, but it seems not to be the ideal solution for everyone, because the text is sometimes distorted.

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Nice. Will have to test this. On Fedora, the earlier v0.1.50 was doing interesting things to the page size in a SVG printed using Print to File. Gramps was claiming a 17.18 inch landscape page width but Inkscape opened it as a 44.5 inch document.

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Using Gramps AIO 5.2.4 on Win 11 Pro and the built in ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ printer, my first attempts at using this new scaling option have been unsuccessful. If I tick the box then the PDFs that are generated are zero byte sized, i.e. I get no output at all.

However you imply you’ve tested it on Windows and got output. Can you give more details of what (Windows) print settings you used?