How to add variants of given names?

In Belgium, it was common for people to use variants of given names in different contexts; the family name usually stayed the same. Namely, Dutch, French and Latin variants were used. For example, I have a relative who is referred to as Pieter (Dutch), Pierre (French), and Petrus (Latin). How do I enter this in Gramps?

(I am using Gramps 5.2.3 on Linux.)

You can do this with Alternative Names (in the “Names” tab of the Person Editor dialog) using either the Nickname field or Given name variant.

Its a bit inefficient and denormalized. You stored a lot of extra data for just another nickname. (This is also an issue for Russian given names that have many diminutives and variants.) A simple way to have multiple variants (possibly with an etymological and date range attributes) would be desirable.


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