How can Event Gramplet double-click be changed to open the Event Reference editor?

It would be helpful to have the double-click in the Event gramplet for People and Families to open the Event Reference editor instead of the Event object Editor. This would give more direct access to updating the unshared data: Roles, Notes, and Attributes.

How can the Events Gramplet be hacked to open the Event Reference Editor?

In the example below, the"Matches people with an event with a selected role" addon rule by @prculley is used to find People having events with “Unknown” roles. The objective is to fix Unknown roles.

From this point, the (sorted on Role) Events Gramplet allows quickly determining which is the affected Event reference. But to fix the problem, you have to opend the Person Editor, then find the affected Event in the Events tab, and double-click.

Currently doube-clicking the row in the Events Gramplet opens the Event Object editor. (This cannot be used to drill down to the Reference Editor because you cannot have the Reference Editor and the Object Editor up for the same event at the same time. And if you drill down through the the References of the Object Editor to the Person, the Event Object editor cannot be closed since it closes the spawned Person Editor.)

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