Finding Persons/Families which use a given Event

Using Gramps 5,1v5 on Linux

As there is no Ref field in an Event Record (why not) which would allow access to Gramps objects which use the given event. The only method I have seen which will allow this is to iterate through a list of persons/families and interrogate each one.
Does anyone know a simpler and quicker way to give access to persons/families from a given event?

I use in the bottombar the gramplet “References”
If you click on one event, you known what is referencing this event.
You can do this for all views.

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I was hoping to do it in a Report, rather that using a method involving human involvement.

Will one of these methods work? The description (given here) are just gobblededook. Surely a description of an Event method should describe it using terms relative to the event rather than in general database terms. I get the feeling that whoever wrote these did not understand what these methods do.

get_handle_referents ()[source]

Return the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects.
Returns the list of objects referencing primary objects.
Return type

get_referenced_handles ()[source]

Return the list of (classname, handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects.
List of (classname, handle) tuples for referenced objects.
Return type

The narrative web can do that:
One example with 3 references:

AS I said in my previous report I would like to do this in a report.

Narrative Web is a report. So, if you want a specialized Report that does this, you could cut down a copy of the Narrative Web (or snip parts of its source code) to do the task.

Although I suspect the most straight-forward approach would be to make a QuickView report with the Simple Access calls.

events (*obj*, *restrict=None* )

Return a list of events associated with the object. This object can be either a [`Person`]( or [`Family`](

There is also a Gramplet and a QuickView that show this data for a single Event. They could be re-framed in Report form:

Plugin name Event References [Gramplet]
Id Event Backlinks
Version 1.0.0
Description Gramplet showing the backlink references for an event
Location gramps/plugins/gramplet/
Audience Everyone
Status Stable
Help Gramps_5.2_Wiki_Manual_-_Gramplets#Gramplet_List
Plugin name Event References [Quick view]
Id eventreferences
Version 1.0
Description Display references for a Event
Location gramps/gramps/plugins/quickview/
Audience Everyone
Status Stable
Help Gramps_5.2_Wiki_Manual_-_Reports_-_part_8#Event_References