(Gramps 5.1.5, Ubuntu 20.04)
I tried (and falied) to modify the Detailed Ancestral Report (including endnotes and list of children), trying to achieve the following:
- Omit person citations
- Add citations after the parents names, to show where did I get the information about who were the person’s parent.
- If there are some duplicated ancestors, show in the list of children references to all their children who are ancestors of the central person (it now shows only the reference to one of them).
- In the endnotes, use a hierarchy, showing Repository / Source / Citation, so all the citations that belong to a given repository are listed together.
I have some knowledge of python, but it was not enough to do it by myself. I wanted to modify the file gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py
, but couldn’t understand what to modify.
For the first point I am almost sure that I should modify the function write_parents
, but couldn’t figure out how.
Any help would be appreciated.
(sorry if my English is not too good)