This was posted to Geneanet yesterday (with lively response)
But with a such a big memory leak, it seemed reasonable to cross-post here. In case there is a problem beyond a corrupted tree. Just so there wouldn’t have to be a 5.2.5 immediately after the forthcoming 5.2.4 release.
Fuites de mémoire?
by phcook » 15 Dec 2024 16:23
Bonjour à tous,
Je ne sais pas si vous avez déjà observé ce phénomène. Pour ma part, j’ai eu les pires misères auojurd’hui, avec un gramps qui semblait avoir une fuite de mémoire, lorsque je cherchai à afficher un individu de l’arbre, toujours le même, et ce, sur tous mes PC
- le process gramps montait à près de 5 Go de RAM sur mon pc fixe (8 Go au total)
- il prenait jusqu’à près de 10 Go sur mon portable (16 Go)
J’ai exporté, supprimé la fiche dans le xml, ça marchait mieux, mais il subsiste toujours ce problème sur certains éléments: notes, individus, etc.
Obligé de tuer le process et de relancer…
Je remarque qu’au démarrage, Gramps est autour de 200 Mo, monte vers 350 dès qu’on commence à travailler.
Cela me semble disproportionné.
Qu’en dites-vous?
Merci de votre aide,
Hello everyone,
I don’t know if you’ve ever observed this phenomenon. For my part, I had the worst misery today, with a gramps which seemed to have a memory leak, when I tried to display an individual from the tree, always the same, on all my [Linux] PCs
- the gramps process increased to almost 5 GB of RAM on my desktop PC (8 GB in total)
- it took up almost 10 GB on my laptop (16 GB)
I exported, deleted the file in the xml, it worked better, but there is still this problem on certain elements: notes, individuals, etc.
Forced to kill the process and restart…
I notice that at startup, Gramps is around 200 MB, increases to around 350 as soon as we start working.
This seems disproportionate to me.
What do you say?
Thank you for your help,