Default source/citation for a session?

[AIO64-5.1.5-1 on Windows 10]

I recently started working with Gramps, it’s a great resource (I’m also new here, hi everyone :wave: )!

I have one question: is there a way to use a default source/citation which is attached to any added information during a session? At the moment I’m basically just inputting data from a big (written) family tree which was compiled by my grandfather, so it’s really all the same source/citation. It can get a little tedious to attach the same source to all of the data entities., so I switched to just attaching the source to people and relationships, so it can be inferred for the attached events etc.

However, I assume it would be proper to have the correct source attached to all of these things, hence the question. Can anyone help me with this? I couldn’t find something like this in the manual, I hope I didn’t miss it. Thank you!

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One of the handiest tools is the Clipboard. 48px-Gnome-edit-paste.svg in the toolbar.

You can place a citation (or a source) here so it will be available for use during your Gramps session. You can then drag-n-drop from the clipboard to wherever needed. You can drag a place record to the clipboard ready to be dragged into an event record. Or drag an event record to be shared with other people.

The clipboard floats and available for all views.

Not to be confused with the Clipboard Collection that can be added to the side-and bottombar of any view. These clipboards can hold items between Gramps sessions.
Here is a recent discussion about clipboards.

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Thank you for the quick reply, this is very handy, indeed! It’s not quite as convenient as I wish it was, because I still need to navigate to the source tab for every entity I’m working on and drag it into the field, if I understand correctly. But it sure does save the time I would need to spend to find the source from the menu.

You might want to explore the Data Entry Gramplet add-on. It allows you to use the 'Copy active data" to clone data from a Person modify that then add the next person. I’ll add all the female siblings, then the male sibs (so the gender doesn’t have to be changed for each person). The birthplace & death place & source is often the same for all the sibs.

This capture isn’t great because the bottom section is blank & the ambiguous source name (“All possible citations”) gives the impression multiple sources are being referenced.

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That sounds really helpful as well! I will check it out!

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