Can our Calendar Gramplet have Day of the Week column headers without sacrificing the selector controls?
The Calendar Gramplet is missing day of the week labels. But if the display option for SHOW_HEADING
Is changed to:
Then you lose the Month
& Year
controls. It doesn’t seem to like the options combined with commas or applied sequentially in separate statements.
Gtk.CalendarDisplayOptions.SHOW_DAY_NAMES |
Gtk.CalendarDisplayOptions.SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS |
It also seems strange that the GTK widget library doesn’t seem to have a European calendar – where the weeks start on Mondays. [Automatically adjusts to the locality]
I was initially looking at this Gramplet hoping to add « (U+00AB
) and » (U+00BB
) to move by decades instead of years. But that appears to not be an option either.
Based on other applications (that don’t support spans, ranges or date quality), I had anticipated a simple calendar selector when clicking the “Daily Calendar” gadget beside the Date field. Instead, the more complex “Date Selection” dialog appears.