Are Rules able to communicate their gramps.gen.utils.callman sensitivities?

Can Rules tell their custom filters what database changes should be monitored via callman?

Obviously, Custom Filters should emit a signal to refresh when the Records in their category are changed (add, delete, change) or when the Database is loaded/unloaded. So, if the People view is active with a People custom filter, then adding a person (or deleting one) should re-run the custom filter. Right?

But what about rules that are based on an Attribute or a records from another Category? Does it tell the Custom Filter to watch for Attribute changes or changes in those records in the other category?

Or does it just emit a signal to refresh when there is any change whatsoever?

Since there is no answer yet I will try.

As far as I understand, filters do not emit any signals. Those signals are emitted by the database itself (when a transaction is committed).


Correct. A filter is just a collection of rules that returns a list of objects.

You can connect to database signals and then re-run the filter when something changes. The callback manager gives the developer a convenient way provide a set of objects and actions to monitor.

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