Where are months defined?

At least in France, for a long time in 19th and 20th centuries, last months of the year in civil registers have been abbreviated using a semi numerical notation based on the Roman month number (before Julius and Augustus emporors add their own name as months in the middle of the year) to replace the beginning of their name:

  • septembre (September - Latin septem for French sept = English seven) : 7bre
  • octobre (October - octo for huit = eight) : 8bre
  • novembre (November - novem for neuf = nine) : 9bre
  • décembre (December - decem for dix = ten) : Xbre (X for 10 in Roman notation)

For young genealogists, and probably for those who works from another country on these registers, it can be difficult to translate something cryptic like 15 8bre 1800 into 15 octobre 1800 (1800, October 15th). In that case, 8bre being the 10th month, which is not obvious.

Could these month abbreviations be added into Gramps dates to allow it to automatically translate them into their usual form (15 8bre 1800 → 15 octobre 1800 → 1800-10-15)? And where? In code, in a file?

They are already defined in gramps/gen/datehandler/_date_fr.py
but entering those values does not work.


Do you know why? A bug?

I’m looking. I never used that because I always understood the meaning.

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You need to move the line DateParser.init_strings(self) to after the month_to_int dictionary is updated.


Can you make a bug request for that ?

Done: 0013307: Implemented French abbreviated dates not recognized - Gramps - Bugtracker – Free Genealogy Software


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