Was Gramps your first?

I started on the OG Family Tree Maker in DOS. I’ve tried just about everything there is. Including Gramps a few years ago but couldn’t get it to work on Windows. Then I got the long-awaited update to Roots Magic, only to have them turn around a year later and require a paid upgrade. No thanks.

Also, I need genealogy software that can copy an event without sharing it. Gramps can’t do that yet, but at least I can put in a feature request or do it myself, if it comes to that.

I will admit, Obsidian hadn’t occurred to me. I have mostly been relying on Ancestry (as my dumping ground) and the excellent Evidentia by @ed4becky (as my proving ground), but I’m excited about getting it organized in Gramps, although I agree with BOTH:


As soon as I get acclimated, I’ll start helping more. Always need to get the lay of the land before you start landscaping.